adult braces tyler tx

Straighten Your Teeth Using Traditional Methods

Metal and ceramic braces in Tyler, TX

If you're unhappy with your smile, Dr. Charles E. Lane III in Tyler, TX has solutions. For stubborn teeth and more complex oral challenges, we offer metal and ceramic braces. Metal braces are the most popular form of braces. Through the application of brackets and archwires, an orthodontist can realign your teeth effectively. Clear ceramic braces achieve the same results but are tooth-colored, which make this option more attractive for aesthetic reasons.

What to expect:

When you schedule an initial free consultation at Dr. Charles E. Lane III's office, he will sit down with you to go over your goals. After taking x-rays and examining your teeth, Dr. Lane will suggest the best method of treatment for you, taking into account the treatment plan that best fits your budget. After that, it's just a matter of getting you fitted for your new braces!

Traditional braces are new, improved and more comfortable than ever. Schedule an initial consultation by contacting Dr. Charles E. Lane III today.